Monday, September 21, 2009


Emily Hurley blows a big kiss in Mount Pleasant, Mich. Friday, September 18, 2009.
Kelly Malotka, Painting with light. ISO: 100, F-stop: 11, Shutter speed: 30 seconds.

For this picture I strobed Emily from the far left corner. I then stepped in front of the camera and drew the lips with a flashlight with a pink balloon on it then took the balloon off for the lines.


Photo illustration of Ziggy in Mount Pleasant, Mich. Sunday, September 20, 2009.
Kelly Malotka, Painting with light. ISO: 100, F-stop: 11, Shutter speed: 30 seconds.

With my cat lying there, I just moved around the room, called for him, and strobed him each time. This was my first try and the most successful, I was surprised how well it turned out.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009



I chose to photograph my friend Frankie because I knew she would be very easy-going and open in front of the camera. We actually came up with a lot of good shots in a very short time, which I was happy about. The top photo is of her dancing in the studio. I felt this showed a lot of her personality. The bottom photo has her showing my studio partner Andrea the weird thing she can do with her fingers. Frankie is a person who doesn't care what people think of her so I felt this photo showed that aspect of her. She embraces it rather than dismissing it.

As far as the lighting, I felt it worked pretty well. I didn't put a snoot on the back light so on some of the pictures it was pretty overwhelming but I learned that for next time.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

JRN 420 Test Shot

After doing this shoot, I learned to be more comfortable and confident in the studio. I learned how to set up the strobes and to work with my model . The in-class assignment definitely helped when it came time to shooting my first assignment.